Social Media Presence Optimization

  • Facebook Business Page Optimization
  • Instagram Business Profile Optimization
  • Twitter Business Handle Optimization
  • LinkedIn Business Profile Optimization
  • LinkedIn Business Page Optimization
  • Youtube Channel Optimization

Social Media Management

Connect with all of the major social media platforms.

Daily All Social Media Channels Marketing & Promotions

  • Product / Service Promotional Post
  • All Festival posts
  • Client Testimonial Posts
  • Employee / Client Birthday wish posts

TWITTER Marketing & Promotions (30+ posts a month)

Promote your brand quickly and easily on Twitter

  • Product / Service Promotional Post
  • All Festival posts
  • Client Testimonial Posts
  • Employee / Client Birthday wish posts

INSTAGRAM Marketing & Promotions (30+ posts a month)

Promote your brand quickly and easily on Instagram

  • Product / Service Promotional Post
  • All Festival posts
  • Client Testimonial Posts
  • Employee / Client Birthday wish posts

LINKEDIN Marketing & Promotions (30+ posts a month)

Promote your brand quickly and easily on Linkedin 


  •  Product / Service Promotional Post
  • All Festival posts
  • Client Testimonial Posts
  • Employee / Client Birthday wish posts


Content Management


  • Text Content
  • Hashtags
  • Creative Template Based Posts
  • Links
  • 2 Dedicated Promotional Videos per Month
  • Creative Template Based Short Text, Semi Animated Videos
  • Creative Template Based Text / Image Videos
  • 1 Dedicated Blog per Month
  • One blog on third-party sites / own site