

Static One Page Websites

A static single or one-page website is simply a website that contains menu like About, Features or Contact Us section in one single scrollable page

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One Page Sites

What Is Static One Page Websites ?

There are no additional pages in it. For starters, successful single page websites are clean and comprehensible. A single-page website, that splits content into small chunks and removes UI clutter, is easy for users to digest. Also, the content of the website cannot be changed regularly. If you want to change, it will require additional costs according to your requirement.

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Most customers will expect to be able to find your business on the internet. Whether you are selling your products online, or simply want to provide some information about your business and your contact details, having a website is almost essential.

SEO stands for search engine optimisation. It is a way of structuring your site and its content to ensure that you have the best chance of your website being returned in a good position when someone does a Google search for terms relevant to your business.

A responsive website is a website that adapts to the device it is being viewed on. For example, if you view a site on a laptop and then view the site on a mobile, you should have equally good experiences of that website but not the same experience.

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer and is a security protocol to enable you to access a website securely.  

Web hosting is the provision of space on a web server to store your website. 

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